Incorporating Technology into Kitchen Design

I have always said that we, as designers, need to be cautious about incorporating technology into design.  Technology can so rapidly become out-dated that a once cool, cutting-edge design can quickly become a design faux pas.  We should take particular caution when incorporating such design into our kitchens, which is arguably the room most of us consider the hub of our home.
In addition to the danger of becoming quickly out-dated, many technologies available today aren’t even a necessity, but rather a luxury add-on.  We are seeing more and more gadgets and technologies in the world of kitchen design that move into the realm of being a bit over-the-top and unnecessary.
On the flip side, there are sure to be some technologies that would stand the test of time and would prove to add function to our homes. 
Enter one such technology: DuPont™ Corian® Charging Surfaces.
This technology allows for the wireless charging of smart devices (cell phones, tablets) by simply placing said device onto a charging surface.  How cool is that?  With a world that is go-go-go, I think “cutting the cord” is the way to go.  Imagine following a recipe on your tablet only to realize your tablet is nearly out of juice.  Simply place the tablet onto your charging surface countertop, and you’re back in business.
For those wondering about the specifics of this new technology: Duracell Powermat has teamed up with DuPont Building Innovations to exclusively offer their charging units in conjunction with DuPont™ Corian® Solid Surfaces and DuPont™ Zodiaq® Quartz Surfaces.  Units can be surface mounted or sub-surface mounted.  Some phones already have the charging “receptacle” built in, while other require a small charging ring to be inserted in order to power up.
What do you think?  Would you put a charging surface in your kitchen?


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