To begin... you must start.

I know that sounds very strange, but it is one of the most powerful statements that a leader can hear. It is so easy to never get started and, in fact, this is an area in which innovation is dying in North America. I'm sure you have heard the term "paralysis by analysis". Today, most leaders suffer from trying to have all the answers before they start a project. FEAR! The end result? Leaders will pull the plug because they can’t get everything to line up. Or, by the time they get it right, it's too late, and the market has already shifted, resulting in a “dead” idea. So how do we know when to start? It is critical to hone your gut feel and know when you have enough information to make a call. For me, it's around the 60% gut feel line – what I call, “The Sweet Spot”. At 90%, you are probably being too conservative, and at 40%, probably too risky. So how do we put it into action? As a leader, I challenge you to drive your team to help get you to the s...